Foldable Drain Cover FDC
The Foldable Drain Cover FDC can be applied in case of leakage of dangerous substances and imminent environmental accident for all steel and horizontal plastic sewer grates. It can be especialy used also for grates with side gate. It is applied to a clean grate by attaching the cover with its membrane side down, i.e. the inscription side up.
Main advantage
- Efficiently and quickly applied
- Easily foldable
- Possibility of repeated use
- Versatile application to all types of grates
- Usable also for grates with side gate

Foldable Drain Cover FDC - Hydrostatic pressure

Foldable Drain Cover FDC - Hydrostatic pressure

Foldable Drain Cover FDC - Example of use

Foldable Drain Cover FDC - Example of use

Foldable Drain Cover FDC - Overlaping possible

Foldable Drain Cover FDC - Overlaping possible

Foldable Drain Cover FDC - Universal

Foldable Drain Cover FDC - Universal

Foldable Drain Cover FDC - Side gates as well

Foldable Drain Cover FDC - Side gates as well

Foldable Drain Cover FDC
Technical details
Materials: magnetic isotropic foil 0,04 in, special flexi PUR foil 2 × 10-3 in, PES/PVC foil. It resists all common chemicals (see Chemical resistance certificate in the relevant chapter at the end of catalogue). Temperature scope of application is -4 °F to +140 °F.
The Foldable Drain Cover FDC uses a simple physical effect of pressure difference. Liquid tends to enter the sewer through its openings but also through looseness at the edge of the sewer. In order to prevent it, it is necessary to place a barrier there which is also safely sealed. A thin, highly flexible foil which is exposed to hydrostatic pressure thus creating perfect adhesion to even irregular surfaces and edges has shown the best results. For this purpose we have chosen highly chemically resistant, flexible and strong foil which we attached to a flexible and magnetic foil with openings; this is how we allowed the liquid access to the bottom PUR foil.